Rehoboth Methodist Church
A Global Methodist Church

Where You are Always Welcome

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The Church

We are Rehoboth.
Worshiping in Spirit & Truth
since 1911.

At Rehoboth Church what we believe is deeply rooted through a
common heritage of other traditional Methodist and Wesleyan bodies,
each with their beginnings influenced through the lives and ministries
of John and Charles Wesley.

By virtue of its very name, the Global Methodist Church is a diverse
church where all God’s people – whatever their color, culture,
ethnicity, or nationality are warmly welcomed to join with others to
make disciples of Jesus Christ.

We worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.
The Global Methodist Church professes the Christian faith,
established on the confession of Jesus as Messiah, the Son of God,
and resurrected Lord of heaven and earth.

At Rehoboth, we know we are all sinners but what we believe is
determined by our study of scripture, church tradition, reason and experience. 
Scripture holds the deciding element in definitions, studies and belief.

What We Do

Passion for Change

Serve the Church

Our weekday and weekend gatherings take many people to make them work, from ushers to greeters, to lay servants and worship leaders, ministry workers and volunteers everywhere in-between.

Serve the Community

We seek and are committed to building relationships with our community. We pray to be the hands and feet of what God is already doing in our city.

Serve on Mission

We believe God has called us to be a church that follows Him by turning our hearts and focus to global communities and by serving our neighbors where they are.
We invite you to

Join Our Sunday School Classes

We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday gatherings to study the bible together. Sunday School Classes start at 9:30am and 9:45am.

New Here?

New Here

Rehoboth is a church that believes in Jesus, that loves God and loves people.
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Mission & Beliefs

Mission & Beliefs

Find out more about the mission and beliefs of Rehoboth.
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Church Online

Can't join us in person? Watch online, Sundays at 11:00 am.
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Contact Info

Address: 6911 Two Notch Road, Columbia, SC 29223
Phone: 803-788-2220
Office Hours: M-F, 9-12pm EST

Food Pantry Hours: M-T, 10-12pm EST