Home » Serve on Missions
At Rehoboth we have many mission opportunities.
Located in the Narthex throughout different parts of the year our Mission Tree is to assist with community outreach opportunities. From Vacation Bible School giving to families in need at Christmas, our goal is to assist those in our community.
The women of Rehoboth meet once a month (except summer) and have a monthly mission project.
Just few of our recent mission projects have been:
The Roseleaf Foundation, Killingsworth, Epworth’s Children’s Home, Zoe Empowers, Sistercare, and blessing bags for the homeless.
Our Men’s Ministry has assisted with community outreach programs.
A few of their events have included:
First Responders Dinner,
Fish Fry, Veteran’s Service and Dinner, and Senior Adult Missions.
Bring coats to the Education Building and they are distributed throughout the homeless community.
During the summer, we host a community Vacation Bible School. We offering a family dinner for the whole family, followed by a camp program for school age children. Kindergarten-6th Grade
In 2025, we will be participating in Operation Christmas Child’s shoebox ministry.
You don’t have to go around the world to find a mission project, sometimes we just need to look in our backyard.
Members in our congregation go to the Salkehatchie Santee Camp the first week of July to help restore homes in dire need of repair. This mission trip is for ages 14 and up.
We collect and make blessing bags to distribute those in need. Bags are available in the
church office.
The Austin House serves underserved men in our community. At Rehoboth, we have a special place in our hearts for these young men.
We are a community partner with The Cooperative Ministries of the Midlands to offer space for Free Income Tax Assistance. This service is available to all.
For dates and times, please see our events page.